Monday, 12 August 2013

HP Hard Drive: How to Install One

HP 1000GB SATA 7200rpm 2.5"
The hard drive on your HP computer may not need changing regularly, however when your old hard drive does run out of space and you do need to change it, there is no room for error and it is not a process you want to mess up.
Despite the ease of changing hard drives, many people still shy away from doing so because of the associated risks of dealing with electronic circuit boards in the computer. 
There are many people that call in computer specialists to change their hard drive, when they really aren't required. However, if you really do not know a thing about computers then it might be a good thing to leave it to an expert, although it will cost money, they will ensure the task is done properly and professionally. In the end, it is better to pay a professional to do something well, than try to save money, by doing it yourself, only to end up suffering major losses. The following section gives you a description of how to install a HP hard drive.

HP are a reliable brand, known all around the world and they are one of the biggest computer and related-gadget manufacturers in the world. This means that it will not take you long to find a compatible hard drive for your device. When you select a drive, you need to know the speed, the storage size and the type. First, you should go for the fastest speed you can get on a hard drive, but be prepared to pay more for the extra convenience. Next, you should decide the storage space you need. It is okay to go for 500GB, 1TB or anything else that suits your needs.

Now, take apart your computer as per its assembly type. For you to do this successfully, you will need the appropriate screwdriver. Usually, the hard drive is at an area that is easy to access, so that you do not have to interfere with other peripheral devices. Make sure you have switched off your computer and also unplugged it from the power source. Also, ensure that you keep the screws in a place that, you can easily reach when you finish the exchange.

Your old and replacement hard drives all have pin attachment parts for the data cable and another one for power cable. These can be tough to detach, but it is possible. Be firm but gentle when exchanging the cables between the old and new.

When you are done, screw back your HP hard drive into place and then proceed with the software installation. If the new hard drive is the only one on the computer, then you will have to install the operating system afresh. If it is not, then you will have to install drivers still, to make it work properly with the rest of your programs. You will also need HP hard drive drivers when you are installing an external hard drive through USB ports. Check out the official HP support website for the latest drivers. You can also use the drivers that come with the installation disk that you get with your purchase.

One last thing is that, you need to keep your computer free from viruses before and after installing the HP hard drive, or else you might not get the performance improvement that you seek. Otherwise, everything else should work fine, and your new drive will serve you for many years to come. 

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