If you are a business owner and have plans to have a brand new website for your company, then you will have two options in front of you – cheap servers and expensive servers. Servers are essential to support your website online. It is advantageous to opt for low-priced servers as they feature low operational costs. When your website becomes hugely popular online and lots of traffic is attracted to it, you can consider opting for the services of an expensive server. However, you can also stay happy when you choose the inexpensive servers as they have some exciting features to offer.
High-end hardware:
When you choose the cheap variety of servers for your website, you can be assured that these servers run on high-end hardware that have high power, storage levels and network without demanding any extra cost. This also implies that there is no need for you to worry about any outage. Expensive servers, on the other hand, would cost much when there is an event of power failure, hardware or network issues. It can also lead to potential catastrophic failure, which can be averted if you pay even more.
Infinitely scalable:
Cheap servers have the ability to use the same platform to run which means that you can upgrade to 64 GB RAM instead of the usual 256 MB within a couple of minutes. This will save you from all hassles of migration of hardware, long outages and support along with open tickets. Expensive servers on the other hand, offer you the server hardware that caters to your requirements at the minimal. If you are willing to upgrade it, then the price will be triple. The reason behind this is there is a need to change the full hardware to hold more capacity, which means long outage period.
Instant provisioning:
These servers are designed to offer instant provisioning which is 1 or 2 minutes among large resources. Irrespective of the server speed, the price remains the same, which is a good thing for a business owner. The availability of the huge resource pool also makes it easy to scale up or enhance the capacity instantly with no issues. The fastest time that an expensive server needs to be set up is around 4 hours that includes a huge upfront payment. When you are in need of extra capacity, these servers might not be able to offer timely help.
Ability to create snapshots:
When you are using cheap servers, you can be assured of getting on the spot snapshots of your server without shutting it down. You can also create a new server faster using the backups. In other words, restoration is much simpler and faster if the existing server is down. However, with expensive counterparts, it is not possible to get a snapshot of the server, as you will not be able to access the disk when your OS is making use of it. This means you have a traditional back up that requires a lot of time to restore if there is a server failure.Thus, the cheap servers are much more efficient and convenient in comparison to the expensive servers.
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